王黎教授在Beijing Law Review上发表文章:Consent and Caution: Re-Examination of Indivisible Security in Public Law

   发布时间: 2024-10-08    访问次数: 10

This article endorses the idea of indivisible security as the principle in international law. To that end, first it reviews the legacy of the balance of power  and collective security in Europe as they have been taken as the institutions in  public law for embracing common interests and the concert of Europe in a  self-help system. Then it argues that since the term of indivisible security was  written into the multi-formal treaties since 1975, the signatory states should  abide by it as one of the recognized rules of law for ensuring a common and  agreed security space in Europe. Given the self-help nature of inter-state system, there exist the obstacles to implement indivisible security as the rule of  law.Nonetheless, the international society appeals to rebuilding jointly a balanced and effective securityarchitecture to warrant the legitimate and reasonable security concerns of all countries.

(通讯员/毛安竹 审核/张建)

BLR wang li.pdf

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